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You almost have to be a game maker to understand these games lately..I do this for fun and relaxation but this is causing anxiety! I’ve played this level for over 2 days and many extra moves and boosters. I still have not beat it! I’ve loved this game for a long time but I’m not loving it much anymore.
Tout à fait d accord avec vous
J'ai utilisé tous mes boosters, dépensé plus de 50 lingots et je n'ai toujours pas réussi ce jeu
Marre de rester bloquée je vais jouer ailleurs
Impossible de finir le niveau
Buongiorno NonRiesco a superare illivello 8076damolti giorni e invece di rilassarmi mi sto esaurendo. Qualcuno può suggerirmi un modo per superarlo? Grazie!!!
Hi @Aldida I also had a lot of trouble passing level 8076 😕
The trick is to resist using the key and use the locked blocks to make a ceiling so you can get the fire and ice bombs to meet under it.
Once you've made bombs more will fall, so sometimes you can make some also meet above the locked blocks, as shown in the screenshot below.
Even using this method I struggled to complete this level with only the moves available, but think that with more time I might have achieved it!