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This weeks Mystery Mountain is horrible!!! I can't get past the first 2 levels in the 3rd round & what makes it even worse is running out of regular levels & not being able to get any boosters!! C'mon folks you can do better than this!
je suis d accord avec Toi il faut des tonnes de boosters n importe quoi
Why there are Super Hard Levels 3 in a row?
Good question!!! I want to know that too!!! Mystery Mountain used to be the one time we could actually get boosters & lately they have made it where there is no winning without spending lots of money!!! Disgusted is how I feel about this!!
If everything were that simple, it wouldn't be interesting 😂
trop compliqué
I agree, I got stuck on Level 8 and gave up 😕
Updated: this week's Mystery Mountain is simple, except for the doozy level 25
Not horrible gaming for this week's Mystery Mountain, it's as easy as pie
oui très bien la montagne mystère cette semaine ça fait plaisir