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I have completed level 832 pet rescue but won’t let me move on. Please help.

Patricia_Ward Posts: 1

Level 1

I have been playing Pet Rescue for some time with no problems but now with level 832 have completed this level several times but game not letting me move on. Please help.


  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,416

    Hi Patricia, do you mean it is not accepting you have finished level 832 or it will not open 833?

    Could you do me a huge favour and upload a screenshot of your map screen. And also could I ask which device/OS you play on so that I can get you the troubleshooting. 

    Thank you :)

  • rorohall
    rorohall Posts: 4

    Level 1

    Since level 832 is stuck after completing it, is there any way to bypass 832 and move on?  I am NOT on Facebook.
  • Lynette
    Lynette Posts: 7,157
    @rorohall are you playing on a mobile device?
    You may need to go to your app store and update the game - let us know what device you play on if you need a link to update :)
  • rorohall
    rorohall Posts: 4

    Level 1

    Mobile device not on Facebook, PC IS on FB.  Same problem on both.  ID on FB is ID: 1413582326 .  Does that help?
  • Crazy Cat Lad
    Crazy Cat Lad Posts: 14,121
    Thanks for the Game ID!
    I checked your game in our system and it shows that level 832 is not yet completed in your game. 
    Have you made sure the level is completed? i.e. There are one, two or three stars registered on the level when you check it on the game map? 
  • rorohall
    rorohall Posts: 4

    Level 1

    I just played twice.  Score was 12,047,  star half way to second star.  Says lout of combinations...  yet the screen is clear with no remaining blocks.  Over the past several months, same result.  How can I bypass and move on.  Pet rescue is one of my favorite games and I miss playing.  I hope you can help!!!!! 
  • Crazy Cat Lad
    Crazy Cat Lad Posts: 14,121
    Sounds like you didn't clear all the blocks then.

    You will need to clear 100% of the blocks to pass the level and don't miss the Steel Block on the left side which you need to clear with the Line Blaster that you have on the level. 

    Check how @Lynette did it here: 

  • rorohall
    rorohall Posts: 4

    Level 1

    O M G!!!!!   NEVER SAW THE STEEL BLOCK!  if you didn't tell me it was there, I wouldn't know.  it blends in with the background and hard to see.  No one ever mentioned it before.   JUST WENT ON AND CLEARED LEVEL 832!  YEAH!!!  THANKS FOR FINALLY GETTING ME PAST 832!!!

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