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piggy bank full and inaccessible

Titine_Lety Posts: 4

Level 1

The game tells me that the piggy bank is full, that I have to empty it otherwise I do not get bullion anymore. But I can not open the piggy bank to benefit. I tried to connect to the wifi, then disconnect again, restart the game but nothing happens. However i have a strong internet connection with my freebox and i'd checked that i am logged into my account, but nothing more happen. What can i do ??



  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542

    Hi Titine, you have to purchase the piggy bank so are you saying that it won't allow you to make the purchase? 

  • dlp
    dlp Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Question. It's telling me that my piggy bank is full & I can't get anymore. I want to empty it but do not want to pay. Is there anything I can do? Can I use the gold bars without paying?
  • PC123466
    PC123466 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    My piggy is full even though I have $$ on my account it WON’T let me purchase.  SO frustrating.  
  • bradileira1
    bradileira1 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    edited April 2019
    Como faco para abri meu

  • Maheut
    Maheut Posts: 1

    Level 1

    edited April 2019
    bonjour donc si je comprend bien il faut payer pour vider sa tirelire 
    Oui ou non ?
    Qui peut m aider

  • Crazy Cat Lad
    Crazy Cat Lad Posts: 14,121
    Hey @bradileira1 and @Maheut and welcome to our Community!

    I'm sorry but we only use English on the King Community, to make sure that everyone understand and can be understood.

    Please feel free to re-post your comment in English.

    Thanks for your understanding and have a petacular day!
  • krowe4745
    krowe4745 Posts: 44

    Level 3

    Piggy bank full. I shouldn't have to pay for what I earned. 
  • krowe4745
    krowe4745 Posts: 44

    Level 3

    I shouldn't have to pay to empty my piggy bank. I earned that. Is there no other way to open
  • Crazy Cat Lad
    Crazy Cat Lad Posts: 14,121
    Hi @krowe4745 !

    All Gold Bars in the game will need to be purchased I'm afraid. 

    Since the game is free to download and free to play, it offers the Gold Bars instead as in-game purchases to monetize the maintenance, development, support, updates, all new levels and features. 

    All purchases are fully optional, including the Piggy Bank since all levels are possible to complete without any purchases. 

    Don't forget the Pet Coins in the game, that you can collect for free and use to buy Boosters and more Lives. 

    Check more info about the Piggy Bank here on the Candy Crush page. It works the same in Pet Rescue Saga. 

  • twinkys_twist_235
    twinkys_twist_235 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I really don’t think it’s fair that the gold bars we have earned through out the game , saving them to use for harder levels should be paid out of our pocket. It should  stipulate that better in the beginning in better way. My game says piggy bank is full brake open or you can’t receive more bars. Miss guiding, it should say something like “ For every star you receive a gold bar saved in a piggy bank that you may purchase when your bank is full.” ThankYou that’s all I wanted to say

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