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My rarely special items

basri Posts: 2

Level 1

My rarely special items


  • Crazy Cat Lad
    Crazy Cat Lad Posts: 14,121
    Hi @basri and welcome to our Community!

    Have you lost your Boosters or what has happened in your Pet Rescue Saga?

    Could you explain the issue in more detail so I can help you out?
  • basri
    basri Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Hi ı have any problem 
    My problem ı lost boosrers
    I have a 400 rocket 
    Now ı have a 12 rocket 
    This iş incredible please help me
  • Crazy Cat Lad
    Crazy Cat Lad Posts: 14,121
    Could you let me know your Game ID so I can look into this? 

    To find the number on Facebook, check here and on mobile here

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