That is all what's missing is my challenge am I getting my talent back do you know or not? That is the question do you have the answer or do you really care it's like talking to my cat and all he does is meow I want to know going to get my challenge back that's it nothing else if you don't know say something take so long…
This is a big joke on everyone are you going to bring back the challenge that is the question can keep your badges I have no use for them whoever runs the site should be shot in the head
I am missing my challenge the last two weeks that's what I'm missing and was the point of having friends if I don't have no challenge tell me something if I'm not going to have my challenges I might as well get rid of the ones I have and play on my own you making where friends are not needed you doing a great job of…
Not sure I understand what you're saying I don't have a challenge anymore of any of my friends who play pet rescue feels like you making it en personal where you don't have to have any friends and the lives you're talking about I really don't use them I can live on 5 lives without any problem every time I play in the level…
I know what the problem is it's the Golden pet. I get to three games before it freezes up. Maybe if you took that Golden pet away. I wouldn't have that problem and maybe a lot of people wouldn't have that problem. That's why I don't use it. Now you put it on all the time now I can't get anywhere without I love to kill that…
Yes it still freezing up on error messages. I don't think anything is going to happen. My opinion think it's a waste of time coming here explaining what the problem is everyone else has the same problem and it seems like you not doing anything for anyone