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Oichi Level 2


  • set date and time forward a couple of years so timer hits zero. open the game check if lives are full, if not set time forward more untill it is. go back to date and time and return it the original current time. do not use a life before this. return to the game and lives will still be full in the original time lives will…
  • such a strange decision… it makes no sense at all. The whole point of this update is to make players wait untill they run out of a booster before being able to buy more of it…? It’s also no longer possible to see the exact number of boosters you have if you have over 99 since it just says 99+. Yet another bad change….
  • @Alienscar Yeah lol. but you know the date and time trick still works?
  • @Alienscar Oh yeah, six because i accepted your life request as well. I also got 3 from you. So sending lived manually seems to be working. Maybe there is only a limit on sending life requests.
  • @Alienscar I got the life. But did you get the 5 i just sent?
  • @Alienscar im online right now. send me a life and see if i get it. Im gonna send 5 lives right now too.
  • Also just found out that really old versions like the one that has dreamworld still works even when logged on a king account. Does this mean that if they are updating the code, logging on to a king account on these versions will just stop working?
  • sorry to bump in but you can’t even particpate in all stars on older versions. All cheating is being done on the latesr version.
  • I play on multiple devices! but the device i usually play on is android, yeah. That’s how i got a older version by downloading a APK. My device actually can play the latest version but i really miss the old sound effects and music, and landscape. I can’t enjoy the game when the screen is so small. The reason i lost my…
  • Well this is embrassing… but since i was forced to update, all of my stored lives were lost. Classic candy crush move. Don’t worry about sending me lives anymore though, I’m gonna be hardly playing now. Every day i am gonna check to see if they remove the forced update check but we all know that is not gonna happen. So…
  • I noticed i never have more then 1 request from the same person. Before I used to though, so they might have patched it out so you can only accept 1 life request at a time. Receiving lives on the other hand, I received multiple lives from you @Alienscar.
  • @Alienscar By the way, thank you so much for all of the lives you have been sending me! Thank you for everything, friend!
  • Thank you for the reply! But unfortunately I can’t stand portait mode so i am probably just gonna end up quitting. I know it is not your decision on what gets into the game so im not gonna make a big deal out of it. I had a lot of fun playing this game for over 10 years but I guess this is the end. I am gonna miss this…
  • PC doesn’t get ads so probably PC
  • Yeah 3 could be any of those things if you think about it, but it might just be thr way the riddle is worded. Also 4 could by any of the blockers as well.
  • am i the only who thought 3 was bubblegum troll? though maybe that is not really accurate anymore since bubblegumtroll doesn’t really appear anymore… striped candy color bomb bubblegum troll licroice Tiffi
  • its a bug with the resolution of the game it’s running on. I’m pretty sure the game is designed for 1080p or 720p so anything lower will make the text bigger and anything higher will make the text smaller. It also seems to affect the size of single use boosters as well. Since it’s based on the resolution of the game, there…
  • Yes, of course! Here is my friend link though since im sharing this friend link, my post or this entire thread might get moved to a different thread. Anyone else is free to add me as well!
  • I miss all that stuff too but people have been complaining non stop on these fourms and they don’t do anything. It makes sense that episodes loop the same 10 since there is way to many episodes but I mainly miss landscape and the old sound effects. The bubble sound effects from soda saga don’t fit in this game at all.…
  • I prefer the ingredients as well. But king is never gonna bring them back though. king is changing the game, it is not the same as classic candy crush anymore and there is nothing we can do about it.

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