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SharA1968 Newbie


  • Level 7618 has a glitch, the company is supposedly aware, and they are trying to fix it. I think everyone should be compensated. I lost out on the last gold bar event because I could not get past that level. I already left a comment about 2 weeks ago and I do not believe it has been fixed as of yet. I also considered…
    in 7618 Comment by SharA1968 June 30
  • I am still stuck on level 7618, wasted boosters, wasted the bomb, could not move forward so I was not able to go for gold bars. Please fix this issue, as I can see numerous people are also stuck, it's a shame because like many I love this game, but we have lost out on so much. I feel when you fix this issue we all should…
    in 7618 Comment by SharA1968 June 26

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