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Tonka6 Level 2


  • Level 6365 I'm going’s to stop these games now because I lost all my free rewards now comning rabish sorry if I said that it’s but reality
  • Recently, some of our players have reported an issue with level 6365, where there are not enough balloons to complete the level. Sometimes things can break or not work 😢😔😭
  • 6365 worse games
  • There is a problem with Level 6278 - it's been reported
    in 6278 Comment by Tonka6 April 2023
  • Every time open the app and press play it will start to lag and then crashes, kicking me out of the game and sending me back to Home Screen. Please can you fix this level 6278 because it won’t let me play and it’s not just me, I know 5 other people that it’s happening to as well.
  • Every time open the app and press play it will start to lag and then crashes, kicking me out of the game and sending me back to Home Screen. Please can you fix this level 6278 because it won’t let me play and it’s not just me, I know 5 other people that it’s happening to as well.
    in Level 6278 Comment by Tonka6 April 2023

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?