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ViolettaP Level 2


  • Sorry l can't vote for anyone because this game is a scam. @Peaches12 same thing happened last year. We can't match names to leaderboards. About John Galt, l hope it's not John from last year. A mega cheat who gloated on this forum about…
  • What happened with the list of the top 10 bots finalists? Is it that difficult to distinguish which are the best bots?
  • People forget easily. Last year the competition was a scam, this year the same. I bet next year it's going to be scam again. People/real players will fall into the trap again and find themselves competing against bots. Paying real money from their savings for a lost cause. The prize reward is attractive and everyone thinks…
  • I'm here, alive and kicking ;) watching the show here (popcorn). BTW l didn't play in the tournament, not even for a second. Obviously l don't have any screenshots to help. I will say it one more time since you don't seem to understand.... the game, competition and community is rigged, corrupt and a scam last year and this…
    in Leaderboard Comment by ViolettaP May 19
  • It is a scam. The game, competition and this community are rigged. Let the best bot win!
  • King is still "cooking" the list of the finalists.
  • Just for the record
  • Yes Sir/Madam xD
  • You guys are the Kings of the community 👏. The bosses here. You don't accept anyone's elses opinion or comment. Actually l'm surprised we can even post here without your permission xD. Continue the show or as they say "The show MUST go on"
  • I have a good life of my own. I don't need to spend hours talking to strangers about a scam game, unless it's a paying job.
  • I never mentioned your name. I only mentioned christinewupp and alienscar because they have been promoting King since last years tournament (check their profiles they joined before last years tournament and thousands of posts). You are putting yourself in the picture on your own and talking politics. You can all gang up…
  • The point l'm trying to make is not the addiction to playing the game but the devotion to King (licking too many candies lol l want to write more but can't)
  • One last thing, if the game was fair (no cheating allowed) and King a decent and sincere company then the community would be bubbling with players and conversations so this show from you guys wouldn't be needed. Hired help is now needed because King has messed up the game and players. PS : I'm trying to say this as polite…
  • You guys are putting up a nice and amusing show on this forum/community. Spending hours writing about all the features of the game and tournament and answering to everyone posts. If there aren't any new posts you create a post on your own and all this for free and because you are good people. Two questions only : Did u…
  • The game is a scam all the way and every which way. No mercy!
  • You have written a book here. You aren't going to persuade me by smoothing edges. The game is sweet candy crushing and not crushing players pockets, family life and health. This is what l see.
  • All lm saying is that it's exactly the same as last year, same posts/comments and people. That's strange. About the lawsuit, l didn't participate last year and this year l didn't play. You seem to know more about the lawsuit than l do.
  • You are missing the point, excuse my bad humor about the mods 😆. Don't change the topic. You said that this year the tournament is different, compared to last year. It's exactly the same, cheating is permitted 😆. You (not just you) trying to smooth things about the high scores. High scores are bots and that is the bare…
  • Same story and people from last year. I don't understand the dedication to King when almost everyone playing in the tournament have been conned. No one will change my mind because what has taken place is clear and easy to see. By the way, where are the mods? I thought l would have been kicked from the community already 😆.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?