Hiya, I have a helpful link for the tips for that level. King have also been messing with levels though, so if it doesn't look like yours, could you let me know and add a screenshot. Then I can get my co-Superstar to work her magic and find the level :) http://sagalevelhelp.com/pet-rescue/level-1271 Thank you for posting a…
Hi, Unfortunately this seems to be an ongoing issue at the moment. The studio are aware of it but haven't managed to solve the problem yet. In the meantime try the troubleshooting here as sometimes it can help .. troubleshooting I did answer you chicken just don't know where answer went!!!
Írja be ide a A hegy tetején fekszik A hegy tetején vagyok, és nem tudok leereszkedni; Minden szintet megnyertem, azt a bárka tetejére tettem, nyertem a díjaimat, és fellendültem itt. Valaki már elvette a címet tőlem, de a csúcson vagyok! választ I am sorry Aczel Agnes this does not solve mty problem I only speak and read…