Welcome to the Pet Rescue Community
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Welcome to the Pet Rescue Community
Do you need help with your game? Ask the Community for help.
Hi rebelchild. Hope you're well and everything is fine 🙏.I've delete my email address because, I was having issues emailing. I've tried to create a new one .but, I'm having trouble creating one. Once I get a new email. I will email you.
يمكنك انشاء بريد جديد أو بريد آخر وادخل تعديل البيانات الشخصية وادمج الحساب الجديد بالحساب المتواجد في المشاركة للعب لكي لاتضيع مراحلك
Thank you. That was very helpful. I'm not sure if xblossomx will see this message. I'll have to make a comment on her wall
Hi my friend. I emailed you few days ago. When ever you have time. Please reply back. No hurry. Its about helping the newbies.