GGYoho Level 2

I have finished all the levels again. I wish there were more! Would you please reset my account to Level 1 so I can start over? Thanks! Account ID#3323307657


  • Thank-you!
  • I've finished the game again and I see that there are still no more levels past 920. Would you please reset my account to Level 1? ID#3323307657 Thanks!
  • I followed your instructions and I am now at Level 1. Thanks so much for all your help!
  • Now, all the stars are gone from the levels but I'm still not reset to level 1. I tried scrolling back to Level 1 and completed it to see if the game would progress properly but it bounced back to 920. I have cleared my history several times.
  • Yes, I've finished the game again. Is it possible to have it reset one more time? Hope there will be more levels soon!
  • Hi: This is the third location on the website that I've entered this request. Had one response and replied. Nothing else yet. Would you please reset my account to Level 1? ID#3323307657 Thanks.
  • Just curious - any progress on resetting my account to Level 1? Thx.😊
  • Thank-you. Re: my request to reset to Level 1, my Account ID# is 3323307657.
  • Thanks so much! I use Chrome but will check to make sure it's updated.
  • I've rebooted and the levels are restored. If you helped with this, thank-you!
  • Please disregard previous message and reset my original account - ID# 3323307657. Thx.
  • Not sure how to do this. I've deleted the app from my FB page. Please remove/delete this account (GGYoho) and I will find other games to play. Thank-you for your help.
  • I just set up the new account because I thought I had to in order to reset to #1. I just miss the game after having finished it. It would be fine with me if my original account is set to Level 1. If possible ,I'll just delete the new account (this one - GGYoho) and carry forward with the original account (the ID I…

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