Yes Alienscar, thanks to you that I am already successfully in the orange website with the one on one conversation with the candy crush team, BUT I typed in what I wanna say AND ITS BEEN MORE THAN AN HOUR AND THEY STILL HAVE NOT RESPONDED!!!😡😡😡 I did choose the appropriate topic for the conversation. SECONDLY IT ALWAYS…
Okay Alienscar, I'll just do it on my phone, so could you please do a screen-recording of you getting to that orange website step by step on your android tablet?
Alienscar, could you please send me the link.
Okay, could you please send me the link. My email is ****. Let me know if you don't know how to copy and paste the link to my email on tablet, and I will try to figure it out, because I've done it before. (EDITED by CM - Unsupported language)
No, selecting the "contact us" link at the bottom of the page would take me to the page where you have to write in the complaint, and after, it would just match a guide that would probably not solve the problem. Where I want to go to is the orange website where I could get into a live one on one conversation with the candy…
I need to get here Not here
But how do I actually walk to the candy crush company? Or get into a one on one conversation with the candy crush company? When I am actually playing candy crush saga on my phone, and go to help and contact the team that way, all it does is match guides that don't solve my problem instead of giving me a written reply via…
When I ask these questions, is it only the candy crush team who responds, or is it sometimes other candy crush players who answer my question also, because I want the candy crush saga team to understand my issue with this boring map (aka the new map that ruined more than 90% or the games fun born April 2020)
If your saying 45 cycling episodes instead of a new episodes per 15 completed levels, that does not satisfy me - I would like to see the old map before April 2020. And plus what are you talking about when you say 15 new levels coming up at 11 CET?
The game rolled out a new map with 10 repeated episodes instead of a new episode for every 15 levels you complete. This makes it so much more boring and lame because it feels like instead of making progress, your going around in an endless circle over and over again. Also you made all the levels pink which makes it more…