I actually stopped playing, which feels a bit weird after almost 10 years, but I don't miss the frustration for a second. Lately it's all just been about greed from King. Removing moves and making levels impossible to pass without spending gold on extra moves, and now the 20 lives a day nonsense. Good riddance!
It is probably easily done with the booster, but just to show that it’s not fixed this picture shows 18 moves left and I still didn’t make it..
They might as well have called it «Here to steal your money»-level. It has absolutely nothing to do with skill. Even if I wanted to I’m not sure I would pay the 10 gold for 35 extra moves, cause I couldn’t guarantee that would be enough..
11867…really? Are you testing at all? You’ve changed the right column so that you have to hit the same line 5 times for any stripes to drop there. How do you expect that to happen with the amount of moves given? The stripes on the left drops way too seldom for them to make any difference. I see Master Crush made this…
If that's their idea of an update they need a new job. I'm sure the two more moves makes soo much difference when another 30 might have actually helped..
I'm pretty sure I would struggle even if I bought the 35 extra moves, but I'm not gonna find out..
11716 - Almost 60 more wafers required and 12 less moves. You’ve really outdone yourselves on this episode..
I had some gold saved up too, so I spent 10 to get 35 extra moves on what was a pretty lucky board. Made it with 1 move to go, so 56 moves needed on a quite lucky board. Are they drunk at King most of the time?
You’ll experience the same on 11704 too. I got bored of 11701 and spent 10 of my saved gold only to hit the wall again. There is no testing before they release the levels after removing moves.
Fix 11701, please. 10 less moves and more layers on the gum? Are you people serious?