I hoard my boosters as well but I’m A bit hopeless on the reward rounds so try not to waste to many and I don’t buy anything. I’m impressed you’ve got so far well done. Thanks for the community heads up I’ll check it out. I notice the rules ask for you to mark your screenshots can you tell me how I do that please? cheerio.
Thanks for coming on and believe it or not (must have been my complaint) I passed the level this morning. I didn’t do anything that pan what I’ve been doing for the last week but suddenly I’m through. Yae! I have to say you’re doing g an amazing job being so far advanced that’s an excellent level 👏👏
Hi Mootnell, Sorry for not being more specific. 20 gold bars were sent your way yesterday ;-). They should be in your account by now. Cheers! Xarly Thanks so much very much appreciated. I love this game.
Hi mootnell! I'm afraid that boosters and lives are locally stored (this is done so that playing offline is a possibility for our players). The moment you restore your iPad, your boosters vanished (it's not the case for gold bars and level though, as I'm sure you already realised). I've compensated you as a gesture of…