keep having fun! well i can't; i can't play cos I don't have any beans, not being given any now with the new daily bonus; which are great and I am collecting them, but when will I ever play again if some of these aren't converted to beans
I wish I had beans; i haven't and cannot play, of course, wihtout them; sooo please make some amendments and give beans on entering the game and beans on at least 2 days boosters; I can't be the only one that has run out of beans
ooo i wish I had too many beans. I need beans, when will i get them; I don't have any, so can't play; I wish there were beans on accessing the game, then a couple of the daily boosters were beans. So sad that I cannot play
I love the daily rewards, but we need more beans; I can't play the game cos I don't have any beans. i am sure my rewards were depleted when my old game changed to the new more graphic game. We need beans on entering the game, as before and at least a couple of beans daily rewards.
Rewards: Extremely vital; great to have 7 day rewards BUT i now cannot play because I have no beans, so I think beans should be bonuses at least twice a week. I never had a problem; always had some rewards via companions, but since old game was replaced by new graphic game most of my old rewards did not come with it. I…
I'm on level 972; I find it hard to pass most levels...but sadly i can't play at all now cos i haven't any beans. Please give beans as daily bonuses at least twice a week.
Beans, beans beans.......Oh for some beans, then I can carry on playing Farm heroes. The daily bonuses are great, but a couple ought to be beans; I haven't got any beans left; none accumulated in my rewards so can't play.
I love the variety of the characters and their individual animation.
i guess 310k
Hi all and thanks for posting. Please note that there are no glitch. The reason that the moves are different is explained in my first comment: Our game studio is constantly adapting levels difficulty and testing features. This means it is possible that there are minor variations (including the number of moves) to that of…