Hurray level 7000 .What a feat
Hurray! Level 7000! What a feat.
I have completed level 6000. It's a big,big feeling
Challenge issue is very much there. Absolutely no improvement
No update from king.Do you not care for your players?
Absolutely right. What's technical support doing?King fix the game instead of blaming players.It is common knowledge ,that most of us play on mobile. Technical support ball is in your court.
I play on my Android Mobile. So the above information is of no use. Why not reset it to previous program, which was running so smoothly.
They are taking away all the fun! Least we deserve is an assurance with added events.
Thank you Pretty Bobble. I was expecting it at game page.
Yes.No one seems to be looking into this problem. No events and the response is apathy!