The recent changes to the game suck , the new chocolate box is now ridiculous to play and the winning 9 levels in a row is impossible
Will no longer play till fixed, come on guys get your finger out !!!
12829 impossible please fix , getting beyond a joke playing is supposed to be fun not frustrating!!!
Ended up using my 10 last coins to purchase moves when it flashed up an extra 29 moves !!
Their response not helpful at all
I'm starting to tire of this game there always seems to be an issue every few levels no response from King, cmon sort it out king
I agree all videos are 40 moves I get 29 moves used to be a fun game now its just annoying!! 😫
So logged on my PC finished in one try , shouldn't have to had to do it this way still no response from developers!!
Magic mixers are creating licorice not bubblegum this is not the same as yesterday's level
Level now impossible please fix