Level 1
Finnish version is missing very, very many words: abit, auon, avo, beo, bio, eho, eikä, etno, eväs, evät, geo, hion, hui, huido, huidon, hule, hätä, iki, imut, isän, jämä, jäte, jään, kanit, kas, kehä, ken, kerä, kimo, kipa, käki, kävi, köli, lanat, latte, led, lepo, löin, matki, made, mehi, menijä, miso, moi, myi, mäet,…
I have made a list of missing words. Now there are 76 words and I'm gettin' more every time I play. Shall I post the missing Finnish words here? And then there are words that the game accepts, but they are not Finnish, some of them aren't even words at all! Shall I put them here?
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