Am I the first person reaching level 1965
The level 1965 is impossible to pass and I find no evidence that any body else has passed this level. I don’t even get close to what the level requires!!! Do you guys even check these levels before releasing them? Because I commonly see that you guys have to revise a level after it is reported by users (the same issue on…
Level 1976 of farm heroes is impossible to solve with 11 moves!!!!!
Another unsolvable level!!! 1976. Will u plz tell your tech team to revise this level (6and the following levels) to end this nerve wrecking marathon of 48 HOUR WAITS for a level to be fixed!!! There are about 200 levels to the last one .... If we have to wait 2 days for each level ( and also no new levels are added to the…
1972 immpossible with this number of moves.
Another 48 hours of time waisting for this level to be revised! Plz escelate to your tech team.
Impossible to solve level 1966 with 13 moves. Adjustment required.
It is impossible to solve the level with 8 black sheeps in 13 moves. Since you need at least 8 moves for moving the sheep - in the luckiest condition - to the hay cells, so you will be left with 5 moves for 23 oysters 165 carrots 165 strawberries and even the boosters won't help !!!! I will stop playing, and wait for…