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Level 1572

I think this level has a bug as it does not start off with a joker and as such, the three-star point total seems impossible to obtain.  I’ve tried it about 100 times now and it seems to me like a 32-card streak would be required which would require astronomical luck.  The most I’ve gotten is 29 and it’s simply not enough.  Any chance the studio can take a look at this level?

Best Answer

  • Dirty_Nurse
    Dirty_Nurse Posts: 555
    edited September 2019 Answer ✓
    QueenB said:
    I'll pass on your feedback @Dirty_Nurse👍😉
    Thanks, @QueenB, I’m not sure if you also passed along my feedback about level 1605 too but both levels have since been made possible to pass with 3 stars.  Thanks!


  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123
    Hello @Dirty_Nurse, Hope you had a nice weekend :) 

    I will tag our Pyramid game In-charge @QueenB to look into the level and help you with the issue! 

    Hope you will be able to play your game soon again!!  Have a great week ahead!
  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,817
    Hi @Dirty_Nurse!

    Have you passed the level but only find it hard to achieve 3 stars? If this is the case, I can ask the studio to have a look but it can take some time to get a reply, hope you don't mind 😉
  • QueenB said:
    Hi @Dirty_Nurse!

    Have you passed the level but only find it hard to achieve 3 stars? If this is the case, I can ask the studio to have a look but it can take some time to get a reply, hope you don't mind 😉
    Thanks for your prompt response!

    Yeah I had passed the level previously and since i posted this I did manage to get a 37 chain and pass with three stars but I had to use a scepter at the end in order to do so.

    I feel that the level would be more fair to obtain three stars on if, like pretty much every other level, it started with a joker in addition to the normal deck of cards.  It feels like the lack of a starting joker is just an oversight by the studio.
  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,817
    I'll pass on your feedback @Dirty_Nurse👍😉
  • Dirty_Nurse
    Dirty_Nurse Posts: 555
    edited September 2019 Answer ✓
    QueenB said:
    I'll pass on your feedback @Dirty_Nurse👍😉
    Thanks, @QueenB, I’m not sure if you also passed along my feedback about level 1605 too but both levels have since been made possible to pass with 3 stars.  Thanks!

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?