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Level 1629

Yet again, here’s another level upon which it seems extremely unlikely to reach the three-star requirement.  I’ve played it a ton of times and have only gotten close twice, both times requiring the waste of boosters.  The target 3-star score should be reduced by at least 10k to make it possible yet still unlikely to obtain.

Best Answer


  • So nice that nobody ever responded to this after two weeks...I had to use three boosters to reach the requirement. Does the Team actually play the levels before release to determine fair requirements for full level completion?  
  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,816
    Sorry we've missed this @Dirty_Nurse!

    I've passed this on to the studio and I'll let you know when I hear back from them :)  
  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,816
    Answer ✓
    Great news @Dirty_Nurse, level 1629 has been tweaked so it should be much more manageable now 😉
  • QueenB said:
    Great news @Dirty_Nurse, level 1629 has been tweaked so it should be much more manageable now 😉
    Thanks for letting the studio know - however since nobody responded for a while I waited til I got a lucky streak going into the end and used a couple boosters to reach the target score.  Good to know that it’s fixed for others however.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?