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🦸‍♀️ Queens of the Kingdom: susanamedina

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As part of our Women's Month celebration in the Community, we've interviewed some of the most interesting Queens of the Kingdom. Here's one of those interviews! Sit back and get ready for some girl power!

"Reflect on the things you have with gratitude every day"

Game Designer and Publicist, Queen @susanamedina has been working in the game industry since 2006. Let's listen to what she has to say about Women, Games, King...Life:

"Hello dear players! My name is @susanamedina . 😊

I've worked on many different types of games, in various roles (Level, Game or Narrative Designer) from casual games, to MMOs or Graphic Adventures for Mobile and PC. I'm working at King as Game Designer in Pyramid Solitaire Saga!"

💫 What was your dream job as a child?

When I was a child was to be a Detective, Writer and Painter. I was always reading, writing, drawing and creating stories and games from the beginning of my life. Always imagining adventures and challenges, avoiding the strange reality of the '80's in a complicated working-class neighborhood in Spain.

💫 What do you like about your job and about working at King?

I'm delighted working in a game company that gives value to women. Ten years ago was remarkably different from now. King is fantastic, they care about people.

As a Game Designer, my main responsibility is to ensure the games we create are accessible, balanced and fun for our beloved players.

I love to work with talented people and learn something new every day. It's exciting!

💫 What challenges do women face in the gaming industry?

In the last years, the industry has progressed, but the stereotypes remain.

We are more women in the industry, but especially in specifics areas (Artists, Design, Marketing, HHRR...), not in the best-payed roles.

We don't have enough female leadership. We don't have enough female role models to follow. It's far from equality.

When women do "run" for higher positions, they often start at lower-level positions than first-time male candidates.

And we don't have to forget that many of my female workmates have to deal with pregnancy and maternity. And many times, they don't have real help from their family in this stressful time, and sometimes they don't have the understanding of their workmates.

My opinion is that women are at a disadvantage because we started this "race" later. So the fight is not easy. That's why we have to still fight for total gender equality. Empower ourselves every day and keep delivering high quality in our tasks.

💫 Any advice for the women out there wanting to join a gaming company?

Just do it, and never surrender!

💫 Do you have a motto? If yes, want to share it?

Be grateful.

Reflect on the things you have with gratitude every day.

💫 Who inspires you and why?

I find inspiration all around me! Art, movies, books, people experiences, nature, animals... I am curious by nature, and I always want to learn new things. There are so many things to do, and to see and to watch... I want to discover as much as possible until my last days come! You can create a new game mechanic listening to a kid. You can create a new game idea reading a comic book, or watching a documentary.

The whole world is an inspiration. Keep your eyes wide open!

We will! 👀 Thanks, @susanamedina , for your fight, for your curiosity and, for making Pyramid Solitaire fun and challenging ever day!

f you want to read more awesome female Kingster interviews, check them out here!!

Please share your thoughts and feelings with @susanamedina below!!

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