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lost levels

celinem Posts: 34

Level 3

I see other people have had the same problems as I have experienced. The game was showing constant buffering/internet problems. Now that the problem is resolved with that, the game has put me back to level 2026 even though it shows that I won the level. I was at level 2042. I uninstalled the game and reinstalled it. Same problem. Is there a fix for this so I can get back to level 2402?


  • stan1981
    stan1981 Posts: 3,459

    So u at lvl 2042 or 2402?

    If 2042, possible that u play offline from 2026 to 2042...

  • celinem
    celinem Posts: 34

    Level 3

    The game didn't seem to want to connect to the internet. As of last night, I was at level 2042 but this morning the game connected properly and I was back at 2026. The game shows the stamp saying that I already won the level but I have to play the level again

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123

    Hello @celinem Hearty Welcome to our friendly King Community 🤗

    So, did the "connection issues" got resolved in your game? Did you do something to clear it OR did it happen by itself?

    Since many players were having this issue, Studio is still investigating about it as of yesterday!

    With regards to your level progress, are you seeing "Stars" on the levels between 2026 to 2042? Sometimes, if we play the level that the game shows we are stuck at, the system will reset and move us to our current level!! So, will you be able to play level # 2026 again and see if that moves (or already moved) you to your current level?

  • celinem
    celinem Posts: 34

    Level 3

    Hi I replayed level 2026 and when it moved forward to level 2027. That level also had the stamp on the booster that I used previously to win that level. I guess I will just have to replay all the levels until I get back to level 2042.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?