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Ra's Third Eye: Episode 137

Lola_Pop Posts: 12,046

I wish you all a blessed day, my bright soldiers!

7 days have passed and I am eager to guide you into Episode 137.

My 3rd eye will show you the holiest secrets of these ancient halls.

πŸ‘Level 2094 πŸ‘

It seems impossible to get that high Streak but if you use the magic of the Scarabs wisely, find the Smaragd Key hidden in the middle of the puzzle, then more cards are revealed and you can beat this Streak, too.

πŸ‘ Level 2098 πŸ‘

Reserve is the key!

With 2 cards to choose, you can find the Smaragd and Golden Key right in the center of the board.

They will unlock the green vines and watch out, each lock will also give you a shower of Fortunes.

πŸ‘ Level 2105 πŸ‘

Don’t get misled by the purple vines - I know your first impulse is to remove them as quickly as possible.

But concentrate on finding the Smaragd Key in the middle - a Fortune Card as well! - then find fast the Golden Key - another Fortune Card! - and they will open the path to the missing purple vines.

Never give up and share my secrets with the rest of the world!

I am Ra’s 3rd Eye and I send you my good wishes.

Stay safe!


  • hanonnh
    hanonnh Posts: 4

    Level 1

    edited April 2020

    (Edit by CM: Unsupported Language)

  • Lola_Pop
    Lola_Pop Posts: 12,046

    Hello @hanonnh !

    I'm glad you like Ra's tips!! 😊

    Please use English as it is the only official language in the Community. You can of course use a translation tool like Google translate if you wish :)Β 

    Thanks for your cooperation!!

  • hanonnh
    hanonnh Posts: 4

    Level 1

    edited April 2020

    (Edit by CM: Unsupported Language)

  • hanonnh
    hanonnh Posts: 4

    Level 1


  • I'm still waiting on episode 137.

    Teresa πŸ¦‹πŸŒΊπŸ¦‹

  • Nregac
    Nregac Posts: 8

    Level 2

    I cannot move to the Episode 137! I finished all the hands on the previous level, Episode 136, but still it is not letting me move to the Episode 137!

  • meka_eve
    meka_eve Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Why can't I access Level 137?

  • Lola_Pop
    Lola_Pop Posts: 12,046

    Hello Adventurers!

    I'm sorry that you cannot access those levels yet! Have you got the latest update? Check here for more info and, if you still have problems afterwards, please write back and give us the game version you're using! 😊

  • Nregac
    Nregac Posts: 8

    Level 2



    Version I am using is 1.101.0 and that is the last one available in Google Play Store.

  • Lola_Pop
    Lola_Pop Posts: 12,046

    Hello again!!

    @Nregac , I've checked with the Studio team and there was a small issue on the server's side which is solved now. 😊

    Thanks for the heads-up!!

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?