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Lost History

Ayres Posts: 4

Level 1

I was having trouble with app on iPad kicking me out each time I wanted to play. I was up to level 1700 something, there were only 3 players at this level, I was one. Due to the issue I was having I deleted the app from my iPad and downloaded from the iCloud. When I opened it it asked to accept terms and conditions but I was back to level 1. How do I get back to the level I was? I was not connected to Facebook. Can anyone help me?


  • stan1981
    stan1981 Posts: 3,459

    U playing on Facebook... u have to check ur Facebook account is correct first ... then open the game and log into Facebook... ur lvl will be back

  • Ayres
    Ayres Posts: 4

    Level 1

    Hi Stan

    Thank you but I not playing on Facebook.

  • fraste1012
    fraste1012 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I have the same problem all levels, points and mond lost please help

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