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Level Help 501-515 Mouscow



  • abe_coffee
    abe_coffee Posts: 1,976 Level 5
    edited September 2021

    • 50 bubbles ... 15 moves ... start with artifact with extra move(s)
    • lost 2 moves Aug 26 2017 ... starts with 13 moves ... very difficult to get 3 stars
    • it took almost a year to make this level reasonable ... 45 bubbles in 14 moves(Jul 26 2018)
    • ... 15 moves(Apr 10 2019)
    • 45 bubbles ... in 14 moves(May 19 2020) ... it is still difficult to get 3 stars
    • consider an artifact that removes traps ... gives a better chance of winning
    • try to get 4 or more bubbles each turn early in the game
    • choosing a diagonal blaster ... look for one that will hit the most bubbles and traps
    • try to get the codices early
    • save some crowns for the end to get any isolated bubbles
    • the lower corners might cause problems
    • 20878 will get 2 stars ... 21080 3 stars

    🍮 🍮  

    this example ... barney fully empowered ... 3 stars

    14) 13) a modest start

    12) 11) the modest start continues

    10) 9) kept the mouse moving ... betty accepted GLAUMS for 10560 points

    8) 7) kept the mouse moving ... betty accepted 2 more unusual words

    6) 5) this could be close ... need 16 bubbles with 6 moves left

    4) 3) looking good

    2) 1) the end

  • abe_coffee
    abe_coffee Posts: 1,976 Level 5

    • 4 plates ... in 7 moves(May 9 2019)
    • you may want to start with an artifact that provides extra move(s)
    • use barney and the quit button when trying for 3 stars
    • this board is ideal for using barney ... the gold tiles are placed at the top(3 or 5 gold tiles to 7 tiles)
    • the codices next to the plates will be playable on a good board
    • the game may not end after getting plate #4 ... you may need to get 1000 points to get one star
    • 14460 will get 2 stars ... 14760 3 stars

  • abe_coffee
    abe_coffee Posts: 1,976 Level 5

    • drop 2 chunks ... in 14 moves ... 16 moves(Sep 7 2019) ... 17 moves(May 19 2020)
    • you may want to start with an artifact that provides extra move(s)
    • consider using barney ... plan on making blasters
    • if betty makes crowns unplayable often ... you may want to use an artifact that adds crowns
    • the rocks require 12 hits ... 12 playable crowns will remove the rocks
    • try to save a shuffle for the last move in case the last crown is unplayable
    • Vincent suggests using a combination of blasters and crowns
    • ideal first move ... create a 4-way(or 8-way) blaster that will hit multiple rocks
    • early moves ... try to create crowns by playing entanglers, codices, and the exclamator
    • a diagonal blaster near the center(at the exclamator E) can hit 2 rocks in one move early in the game
    • an 8-way blaster at the lower left tile(the F) will hit 3 rocks early in the game
    • 14340 will get 2 stars ... 14570 3 stars

  • abe_coffee
    abe_coffee Posts: 1,976 Level 5

    • 44 cheese ... in 16 moves ... 23 moves(May 9 2019) ... 24 moves(May 19 2020)
    • you may want to use an artifact with extra move(s)
    • hit the rock
    • hit the rock
    • hit the rock
    • maximize the number of cheese the first time it is spread
    • sometimes it pays to break some entanglers before spreading cheese
    • spread cheese to the lower rows by playing blasters that have been cheesed
    • don't forget about the rock
    • 15960 will get 2 stars ... 18645 3 stars

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