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Buying lives by mistake !!

rolkus Posts: 1 Newbie

Why do you place the button ‘buy infinite lives’ just above the main button! So we click on it by mistake ? I am so fed up on it, make it fair for the players!!

give it back


  • DieOmimi
    DieOmimi Posts: 38,379 Friends Moderator

    Hi @rolkus welcome to our community at Pyramid Solitaire Saga.

    I'm sorry you accidentally hit the button to buy life. What prompted you to do this? 

    When I run out of lives in my game, I always press the button below to request lives from my friends. 

    The "Replenish Life" button is directly above it and clearly indicates that it costs 9 gold bars. 

    Unfortunately, we can't make refunds for bad purchases here in the community.

    Your suggestion to place the button elsewhere sounds interesting. Where do you think he should go?

    As you can see from my screenshot, all buttons are clearly marked. I have never accidentally used the "Buy Life" button. What does it look like in your game, I would be very interested.

    Thank you for playing Pyramid Solitaire Saga.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?