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Can't play Pyramid Solitaire Saga

Bopper1 Posts: 35

Level 3

edited November 2022 in Support


I haven't been able to play Pyramid Solitaire Saga on my phone & tablet for a while now. My level was over 4,400 and it won't load anymore. I don't know how to continue to play the game without having to start again.



  • DieOmimi
    DieOmimi Posts: 42,679

    Hi @Bopper1 Welcome to our community.

    If you have logged into your game with a King Account, your progress will be stored on King's servers and syncronized to each device on which you have installed the game and are logged in.

    If you don't currently see any new levels, it's likely that your bone type will no longer be supported.

    I'm currently at level 5,900 and still have 14 episodes to go. More levels are added every week, so you should see them when playing on a supported device.

  • Bopper1
    Bopper1 Posts: 35

    Level 3

    Hi DieOmimi,

    Thank you for replying.

    I logged into my game with a King account and my progress is syncronized to each of my devices.

    The problem I have is when I click on the game on both my phone & tablet it comes up briefly then disappears. I have no idea why as I was playing the game fine then all of a sudden it wouldn't work anymore and because of this I am unable to see if there are any new levels.

    The other problem I have is I updated my email address on my account on the community but on my phone & tablet it won't allow me to update it.

  • DieOmimi
    DieOmimi Posts: 42,679

    Oj je @Bopper1, I think you have the same problem I had in August. I couldn't open the game because it behaved exactly as you described. It kept crashing without me being able to open it.

    First, check if you have enough free memory. you need at least 2 GB.

    Please check your store to see if there is an update and run it. After that, clear the cache and turn off your device to leave it turned off for at least 1 minute.

    Once you've turned your device back on, try to see if the problem is resolved.

    Unfortunately, it had not been solved for me. I had enough free memory and the latest update. I had to uninstall the app completely and didn't even want to reinstall it. You will lose all boosters if you uninstall.

    After I reinstalled the app and logged in, I contacted support from within the game (via the in-game help function) and complained

    If you want to talk to me, please tag me. Use the @-sign and my name. If my name appears in bold letters, I will be notified and come back to this forum.


    Otherwise, you can find me in the forum of Candy Crush Friends Saga and Blossom Blast Saga, because that's what I'm responsible for.

  • Bopper1
    Bopper1 Posts: 35

    Level 3

    Hi @DieOmimi,

    This is the 1st time I have tried to tag someone so not sure if it has worked.

    I tried everything you said and I still can't play the game, so have uninstalled it from both my phone and tablet. I may reinstall it again but for now I'm playing Pet Rescue Saga.


  • DieOmimi
    DieOmimi Posts: 42,679

    Hi @Bopper1 thank you for your answer. Pet Rescue Saga is also a very cute game. I have it additionally on my phone. 😀

    The marking to me didn't seem to work. Still, thank you for trying. Try placing your cursor / mouse directly after the name until the name appears in bold. Then it should work. 😅

    In Pyramid Solitäre Saga I am "only" a normal player and therefore not very often in this forum. 🤷‍♀️

    Luckily, we have our attentive Lim, a pearl in our community. She knows the right people and knows who needs to be tagged. 😘

  • Bopper1
    Bopper1 Posts: 35

    Level 3

    Hi @DieOmimi,

    Thank you for getting back to me.

    I have tried tagging you again, hopefully it has worked this time.

    I just wanted to know if I reinstall Pyramid Solitaire Saga will my King account still be active?

    If it will be is it possible for you to take my account off so I can start again.


  • DieOmimi
    DieOmimi Posts: 42,679

    Hi @Bopper1 this time the marking worked. 😅 I saw it on my phone when I was at work. Since I don't speak English and need a translator, it always takes some time until I can answer. On the phone, it is too cumbersome for me to handle a translator and it is very flawed. If I type something flat into the translator, nonsense comes out that nobody understands. 🤷‍♀️

    Once you've created a King account, it will always be active. With a King account (i.e. logging into the game with email and password), your progress and gold bars are backed up on King servers. Thus, you can access it from multiple devices.

    However, this also means that a deleted King account is no longer active and cannot be recovered. This will affect all of your King games where you use this account. If you want to take this risk, I can help you have this account deleted.

    Alternatively, you can create another email address and create a new account. But be careful if your King account is linked to a Facebook account. A new King account cannot be linked to the same Facebook account as the deleted account. 

  • Bopper1
    Bopper1 Posts: 35

    Level 3

    Hi @DieOmimi,

    So glad the marking worked 😀

    That's okay if it takes a while for you to answer, must be hard for you needing a translator.

    I'm thinking of having my account deleted and start over again but before I do, can I play the game without being linked to a facebook account? Or would you be able to update my email address on my King account to see if that works first?

    I'm pretty sure I created the account with my old email address, I only changed it on my profile in the community, I was unable to update it when I was able to play the game. I don't know if that has anything to do with why I can't play.

  • DieOmimi
    DieOmimi Posts: 42,679

    Hi @Bopper1, you turned it out with the mark. It works well. 😅😍

    Deleting the account is not that easy. For this we need your user ID of the account to be deleted. As mentioned, this affects all your games that have the same User ID.

    You can find the User ID in your game under your profile settings. Above your avatar is a King logo. Double click on this King logo and a 9 to 11 digit number will appear (depending on when you started playing King games). The User ID is the technical identifier of your account. 

    We don't have access to your email/password here in the community. This falls under data protection. Therefore, we cannot update an email address. Only you are allowed to do that. 

    If a King account is to be deleted, we will forward the User ID to the technical service / studio. 

    If you use multiple email addresses, you also have multiple User ID. Therefore, if you want an account deletion, you must tell us the User ID to be deleted. 

    By the way, I personally recommend playing without a Facebook account. I don't have one myself, but I've experienced here in the community very often that there were complaints because Facebook was not available for several days. Our players could not play during this time. We also can't help players because we have no control over Facebook. 

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?