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(Finished) Win Gold Bars - Can you find the matching cards? 2nd Round!

QueenB Posts: 15,836
edited September 2019 in Support

In the first round, 2 of the matches has been found. Let's see if you can find all the remaining matches 🙌

Post here below which two cards you pick and think is a match. For example "I choose cards A1 and B2". 

Please note that you can only make one pick of two cards. If you post twice or pick several cards, it's only your first choice that counts. 

Also you can't pick the exact same cards that another player already chose. For example, if a player chose A1 and B2, you cannot make the same choice, but A1 and C3 is ok or B2 and C3. 

You have until 16th of September 12:00 CET to pick two cards if you wanna win Gold Bars!

You can read the Terms and Conditions here.



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