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Carol-38 Level 5


  • I only have Cookiemae showing, soon to be in the 17000's @cookiemae should I also have Cookiemae2 in my friends list, because I haven't 🤔
  • I thought it had been paused, but I've still had it every day. Before I actually got it @Charleyfarley I did reply to a post questioning what it was all about. And I am still of the same opinion that King have just passed their problem of impossible levels onto others to solve rather than listening to all the feedback…
  • You're still being Sneaky 🫣🍉🦆with me @Alienscar which has been for a while now. I send you between 3 and 5 lives every morning so hopefully you get some, somewhere. @cookiemae I think you've stopped going to bed and made it your mission to send lives, I get so many from you daily. By the way is your name Lillie, had that…
  • Good news Vicky @T0rr1e I got them today, so hopefully back to normal. I thought maybe you was away or unable to send, but hopefully you are getting mine. Yes I'm having a lovely time thanks, bit tired this morning after a late night so I'm glad I have a relaxing schedule and view today ☺️
  • Well it's still all a mystery to me. Only received lives from @cookiemae haven't received any from Vicky @T0rr1e for a while which is strange as Vicky and I send many to each other daily. Not received any requests from you @Alienscar or lives. And just the one request from @christinewupp on my other device. Oh well let's…
  • I didn't mention it in my earlier reply @Alienscar which I should have, I sent many lives this morning approx 6.15 UK time. Definitely sent you and @christinewupp 4 each, so if you didn't receive them there is definitely some kind of problem.
  • The device I have with me at the moment @christinewuppis up to the limit so can't check if you have sent me one. I did have your request though and sent that to you. I will check later and see what my other device is showing.
  • I received one request from @christinewupp on the device I have with me at the moment. When I get back to my room (which won't be for a few hours) I will check on my other one, which is the one I normally send lives from, and will let you know. I do believe that no matter how many requests we send, only one will show at a…
  • Haha, don't want to rub it in @Kerrie will be leaving the beach soon to get ready to go to one of the fantastic restaurants tonight 🍽️🥩🥃. I also wonder why she keeps disappearing, but then I have been wondering a lot lately about many things that are happening or as I said recently not happening in CCS. Certainly keeps our…
  • I think sometimes @nekocat desperation overtakes reason in this game when needing more lives. It's a shame because Danielle was really generous with sending them and I was always happy like the majority of us to send back. The one good thing is it gave many another opportunity to practice attaching their friend links 😅
  • 🤭Just had a lovely swim in the sea. Now on a sunbed drying off with lovely sunshine and brilliant Wi-Fi. I must have missed something, is everyone saying Candytown22 is Danielle. I take it those who became friends with her saw that it was her in their friends list. I'm happy to have you back Danielle if you want to add me…
  • Hi Christine @christinewupp 1st I'd like to say @Alienscar was right in saying its a shame the player card doesn't have an extra notification saying away or on holiday. I'm in Greece for 3 weeks so will only be checking the Community every now and again. After saying that I do always check my emails but I didn't have…
  • I asked @QueenB if this could be looked at and clear instructions given @nekocat because every time I try it, it's like playing a Legendary Level. I try, try and try then finally it happens but I haven't got a clue how I did it. There are many who just can't do it at all and give up. So to have something headed 'How to…
  • Must say @Colleen12 my strategy is exactly the same as yours, simply to play an episode and then stop. I resume playing the next full episode when I'm ready and have the time, then stop again. Had to change my strategy some time ago for the chance of winning the race and getting the so needed gold. Think that sounds a…
  • I agree @alienscar I should have known better and started a new post. Having problems with my tagging again. Must be something very wrong with the system so many things going wrong.
  • Looks like you're the 2nd player to report this @christinewupp what is going on
  • This has been happening lately to me @cookiemaeAlienscar is showing in mine as a silhouette and the lives I received from all time from Alienscar show the same as yours.
  • Just another thing for us to wonder about with the things King do and don't do @cookiemae 🤔
  • Has it been paused @QueenB I've still got it for 3 players, so I tried it for 1 just to see if it still works and it does for me.
  • I have asked the Community Manager @candytown22 if clear instructions can be shown on how to add the Friends link, I just tried again and it still isn't working for me. Hopefully we will get the instructions then you can add your link for others to click on. Again don't forget if you want to contact someone in person you…

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