@johamilton @PrettyBubbles @maf34100 @Diamond_Lim Hello Jo, You ask a very good question. According to my research notes, I have only seen this in Level 1075, and Stella has to be wearing a Brown hat (going to Blue hat on the play) or Blue hat (going to a Gold hat on the play), when playing "Wake up the tree". I generally…
@matteo_90 Getting all White Stars on my first attempt was three years in the making and I am hesitant to share that information with anyone as that strategy required so much sacrifice to figure out. So, for now, I am not sharing that information with anyone. Perhaps when the next level of Stella's house is released I will…
@PrettyBubbles @matteo_90 @PrettyBubbles is correct. However, I have never received a Rainbow Rush booster from "Wake up the tree." I always get it from my daily log in. 😁 It usually takes 6 once per day/daily log in's to get it. Stella_1
Hello @matteo_90 The game always releases after 9:00 pm MST, which would be 11:00 pm EST, 10:00 pm CST and 8:00 pm PST Mondays, if you live in the USA. Hope this helps and have a Stellar Day! Stella_1
Thanks for the complement @Timesword This is a real fun strategy game if you play it that way. Looking forwarrd to when they open up the upper level of Stella's house. Have 4M Stardust in reserve for that build. Woo Hoo! Have a Steller Day!
@Amoonmoon Thanks for your kind comments. On this type of block ther are several ways to beat it. The easiest way is to use your Gold Hat and obliderate everything above. The next easiest way is to use a Bubble Beam to the left hitting the arrow and then a Bubble Beam to the right hitting that arrow. Or you could use a…