Royal Championship - What do you think?
I played as"Peter Pan" and passed the first two levels in an eye's blink! I also won 3 matches on the first 5- streak level (star level) and then the"beautiful situations" started!!
Stuck on this level and quit the "Pan" profile! ๐
I want to know who Olga is!! ๐
Imagine my score is more than 450 points the second his score is 84 but im the the first streak of 5 so imagine how many times I reach streak 5 and come back to 1
ouf Im so tired
Do not know @NikolaosProdromidis I played with Olga 2 times now and I lost the games, maybe a pot but always with strong boosters and for course all the candies of the boards are blue and red and the second side
No, it was not me, but Arena 14 fits your hypothesis!!
And yes, it is possible to appear a colorbomb in the upper row, because there are at least 5 candies, so it can be created if, during candie dropping, there will be 5 of the same color in a row!
There is also another detail: the position where colorbomb appears is random among the 5 positions where the same colored candies were, if the colorbomb is being created at candie dropping!
If colorbomb is being created by you, then it appears in the middle, as it has to be! ๐ง ๐ค
ya you are right if it happen in the 3 or 4 turn or in the beginning but not in the last turn and the board have only 3 candies to mix and it appear in the left corner up, not in the middle or down, he mixed 3 blue candies in the right side and suddenly it appears in the left side near the only stripped candy he has, his score was 11 and mine 39!!!
That colorbomb apears when the opponent must this game it's not necsecarly to have 5 in a row. It just falls out from the top of the board!!
I woke up this morning and played 5 games with a delicious cup of coffee. In al the 5 games my opponents had many, many boosters/blockers/colorbombs was not fun anymore. In onley one game i had a chance to win. And then she gets 2 collorbombs next to eachother!!!๐ So i loose again.
The only joy i had was my coffee โ.
I have decited to stop playing RC because of the cheats, bots, hackers and unfair logaritm. And in my competition the first three players have 24 hrs play, so they hold their possitions unless i buy also the 24hrs ....and i refuse to pay.
Take care everyone and love a lot ๐