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๐Ÿพ ๐ŸŽถ Unexpected wins!! ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ˜Ž ๐Ÿ† ๐Ÿฅ‡



  • Morning @Nikolaos_Prodromidis hope all is well with you. I have been very busy with work so only just had a proper chance to read this. I am a bit confused as the game doesn't appear to be over. You had 48 but needed 50 to win and Natalie had one more turn left but the game finished.

  • Nikolaos_Prodromidis
    Nikolaos_Prodromidis Posts: 6,353
    edited August 2022
  • NatalieG
    NatalieG Posts: 628



    I haven't responded to this post before now because I have been digesting what was written in this post because I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I didn't know how to respond to it quiet frankly.ย It took me by surprise.

    You thought I didn't realize who I was playing, but I did. Usually I am in the moment of the game and don't pay attention like that, but since our last playing of each other I have become more aware. I have some of the screenshots but not all of them, you disconnected to fast once you saw I had a colorbomb. Since you have screenshots of everything else, where's the screenshot of me disconnecting? Maybe you'll produce one after being called out since you're a photographer, just as you photoshop the last one you posted saying "you won the match." You go on and continue to believe what we both know is not true.

    Another thing, you don't get that message "you won the match" unless your opponent has disconnected. And the screenshot clearly shows I am still there with time on the clock for my final move.

    I did not escape! I did not disconnect! I did not leave the match!

    Now the question is why?

  • Hi Natalie! @NatalieG

    This is obviously a misunderstanding!

    I don't think that any of us was thinking, thinks or is going to think in a bad way for the other! Especially after aproximately 2 years of continous presence in the forum!

    First things first, all screenshots are real! There is not any "photoshop" and why to be a reason for this?

    About the word "escaped", you know that we use it commonly in the forum and it also means "disconnected" (because of tech problem) etc.

    This word is shorter and don't forget that English for me is a foreign language, so this kind of mistakes using words with "simular" meaning, are possible.

    However, the word "disconnected" (because tech problem) is in the post, as a possible reason.

  • NatalieG
    NatalieG Posts: 628


    Yes, it's been about two years since I been in this community and you were the first person to answer a post that I answered or asked questions about. You were very helpful, patient and polite. You gave me links to all the ins and outs of the game and the community. I appreciated ALL your help!

    That is why I couldn't believe what I was seeing in this post!

    I did not misunderstand your use of words. They were never considered in the way you used them. My issue was and is this, that you created a post of your victory over me that IS NOT TRUE!

    When someone disconnect, escape or leave a match this is what it looks like:

    Clearly there's no time on either player's side.

    Here's another example of when someone disconnect, escapes or leaves a match:

    Iย  got a screenshot of this player disconnecting, which is what she did, but do you see time on either of our clocks in the screenshot of "you won the match."? No, you don't! So, why is your screenshot so VERY different? Why am I sitting there with time on the clock and another move? A player has to disconnect, escape or leave the match in order for you to get "you won the match" as all players of Royal Championship. Can you explain how you can get "you won the match" in those circumstances?

    You didn't speak or respond to my asking you, where is the screenshot of me disconnecting, escaping or leaving the match. Do you have that? I truly believe if you had one you would have posted it. Do you need more time to find it throughout your screenshots?

    You disconnected, escaped, or left the match. Plain and simple! Those are the facts!

  • Nikolaos_Prodromidis
    Nikolaos_Prodromidis Posts: 6,353
    edited August 2022

    Hi @NatalieG!

    Well, first I say that I have not a screenshot of the message. I didnot take because I didn't think it was necessary and also it popups for a short while.

    However I don't doubt that you saw the same message on your screen!

    Because we have not any opportunity to speak with opponents, we don't know details about a lot of things behind the scene! Nobody realized that it is possible for both opponents to see the same message on their screen and as a result both of them win the match! ๐Ÿค”

    It is a possible way that the system "reads" data sent by the players' devices!

    And here we come to another point: there were reports by players that they play against an opponent and win because the opponent "disconnected"! On next match they play against the same opponent, who "lost" the previous match, but by a "strange way" this opponent has a +1 win!

    This explanation fits very we to our scenario!!!

    I was explaining this issue as an alternative behavior of the "Me vs Me" bug!

    Of course I cannot answer why is this happening and I havenot a direct contact to the Studio to ask them, but it looks very logic, we were at the two edges of the line and we saw the same message!!

    Tell me your opinion! Do you think that it makes sense?

  • NatalieG
    NatalieG Posts: 628


    As I stated in the previous post, when I first started playing Royal Championship and learned of the Community, you were the first person to welcome me, the first person to answer any questions I had, the first person on practically every thing Royal Championship. You were very helpful, patient and polite. You gave me links to all the ins and outs of the game and the community. I appreciated ALL your help and still do. Not only did you do these things for me, you did them for everyone. You wasn't a Moderator when I first came here and when you became one, I was happy that you now had that "honor."

    I don't know all the aspects of technology, but I have come across playing an opponent, winning the match because of them disconnecting and playing that same opponent on the next round and seeing their streak intact. At times technology has it's own "mind" and throw us humans for a loop.

  • Nikolaos_Prodromidis
    Nikolaos_Prodromidis Posts: 6,353
    edited August 2022

    Hi Natalie!

    As it is said many times here in the forum, it is well known that player vs player is a very difficult project and except difficulty, it has often bugs, glitches etc. When something is so complicated and it depends on internet connection and other important factors, there are obvious difficulties!

    From special cases, we learn the game's behavior!

    We have a lot of examples of situations related to problems:

    • All the discussions about "bots"! ๐Ÿ˜Ž
    • The "sorry no internet connection" issue!
    • The "Me vs Me" glitch!
    • The issue when game stops responding and only emojis work!

    There are maybe a few others!

    And now we have the issue we discuss about! What happens if both opponents see the message: "Your Opponent Left the Match"!

    It just has to be confirmed as an issue by the developers, but of course this answr cannot come the next day! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?