๐พ ๐ถ Unexpected wins!! ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ฅ
Hi! Another win against a player with the most powerful weapons!
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Another unexpected win!
However, this seems to me as a "drop in the ocean", just because I play with the two basic boosters, while my opponents have striped or wrapped hammers for many matches in a row!
The best setup, of all boosters free and in two groups is missing!!!
Boosters' purchasing could be a good alternative, but it is removed since some weeks...
However opponents still find boosters...
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Hi Jellies!
Chest match to advance from 4th level (2nd 5 streak level) to 5th level ("Starburst", the first 7 streak level).
The algorithm tries to bit me in various ways and has good results, regardless if I have selected powerful boosters!
My opponent has already blocked me on the 1st set of moves:
Now I cannot create the striped candy using the blues!
A little bit further my opponent blocks me again:
We continue and opponent has a lot of special candies and cascades:
Blocking again:
The algorithm gives a colorbomb to my opponent, but I have already my hammers filled up:
Victory is mine!
Proceeding further:
This really was an unexpected win!! ๐๐๐ ๐
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Great job @Nikolaos_Prodromidis!
We can tell now that the game is challenging! ๐
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This was really an unexpected win, against an opponent who had powerful weapons:
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Another unexpected win:
However, the absense of the feature of buying boosters is more than obvious!
Unfortunately, I don't believe that it is going to come back!
Lately we meet more opponents who use powerful boosters, so I would like more striped and wrapped hammers in the chests than special blockers!
What do you think?
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Great job @Nikolaos_Prodromidis and yes I agree 100โ I would rather have striped and wrapped hammers in the chest as those help the most ๐
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Even if the feature to buy boosters and blockers comes back, there SHOULD be more striped and lollipop hammers in the chests, especially in the upper levels. That was how you got fishnet and cupcakes. Although you can't even win them any longer, still wondering why that was taken out of the upper levels," the upper levels need BETTER prizes! I know there's a poll regarding "unlimited boosters/blockers" in the idea section, but is there a poll for better prizes in the chests? If not, I certainly would start one and if so, I certainly will vote in it.
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@NatalieG, your idea is excellent!
You can open a poll and I am going to tag players and vote! ๐
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Another unexpected win against an opponent who had powerful boosters!
I created a cc, my opponent blocked it and has a cb (it is a little visible down beside the purple candy).
I also have a cb ready to be created!
Cb created and lollipop is filled:
I used lollipop to free the cc: