(Finished) What is your favourite word? Let us know and win Gold Bars!

Crazy Cat Lad
Posts: 14,121

What is your favourite word and why?

AlphaBetty Saga is full of letters and words of all kinds. Some of them nicer than others, but at times you need to be a potty mouth since the words makes a big Lines Blaster in all directions.
There's always a few words that we like a bit more when playing and words that we really love to link in the game.
If you would be able to link any word in the game, which one would it be?
What word is your absolute favourite and why?
Post your favourite word and let us know why you chose that one and I'll pick the seven best words and motivation when the competition ends. Those seven players will win 20 Gold Bars each.

You have until Monday 16 September, 09:00 CET to participate and you can read the Terms and Conditions here.
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favourite is my new favorite word ... it is a reminder to try 'ou' when making words
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Family is my favorite word. Family can mean several things. One is the family you are born with mother, father, brother sand sisters if you are fortunate enough to have them. Then there is the family we create ourselves. The most precious of all is all. If we are fortunate enough to have children or step kids or even the children we adopt or claim as our kids. Then if we are fortunate enough to live long enough our family might even grow to include our grand kids. And then there is our extended family. They are the family we create if we are fortunate enough to have a few great friends that we call are family. Therefore for me family is the greatest word because it means so much.4
Friends - Friends is the second favorite word after family, because friends can be closer than family that we always can rely on each other for good or bad, beside we can always choose who we want to be friends with but not family.2
My fauvorite word is an italian word:
"Ciao" (hello in english) because is an italian greetings known all over the world.
It's my fauvorite word because its sound expresses joy and sweetness together. It's the word that gives birth to the smile.😊
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Fortitude is my favourite word right now because it describes me and my daily existence. It's such a struggle to do literally everything but most days I'm able to push through and get some things done without anyone even knowing what a difficult time I'm having. I think I endure my illness with great fortitude and that thought helps to keep me going so that's definitely my favourite word at the moment.3
Mi palabra favorita vinculada al juego seria "alfabeto".
Creo que es obvio el porqué!!
Sin el alfabeto no habría ningún tipo de comunicación oral o escrita.
Y por supuesto no existiría este magnífico
Saludos!!2 -
Gracious is my all time favorite word for..... I use it every day.... I love this word because it means you're thankful. And I usually say... good gracious....0
Serendipity is my word because I like the way it rolls off the tongue and because it says iso much in one little word!2
specificity is one of my favorite words! I like the way it sounds and the way it looks, both typed and when written in cursive. It is an important word and one that is often overlooked, but that should come up often.1
My favorite word in the English language is FACETIOUS. 😏😉
It is one of the only two words that contain all the vowels in order.