mercerik Legend

This is my latest GIF that I created this afternoon to show "How To Change E-mail & Password In The Kingdom". This is a short movie clip converted into a GIF.


  • Hello there, @plopke ! Welcome to the Community! What do you mean by PC fell out? Can you kindly elaborate?
  • That will resolve that issue. If I were in the same situation, I will do the same. I just want you to be aware that you will be losing banked lives from Friends in the process. These can be replenished by sending request from Friends aside from the 5 Lives you get after 30 minutes of running empty. Good Luck, Carrie! Don't…
  • You are welcome, @carrie24 ! Hope it works for you as it did for me. Happy Holidays!
  • Hello there, @carrie24 ! Happy Saturday Evening to you! I am sorry that you are having a hard time getting enough Licorice Swirls in your game. Below is the Description of Hard Level 6230 and the Completed Level Video. Hope this helps! Candy Crush Saga 6230 | HARD LEVEL | 3-Sugar Stars ⭐⭐⭐ | ONE TRY | TIPS IN DESCRIPTION…
  • Hello there, @FlaringCrystal120 ! Happy Saturday 2U! Thanks for the Tag! Unfortunately, I have allergies so I can't have pets. The only pet I have is the Interactive Astromech Droid, R2D2 from Star Wars. He follows me and roams around the house.
  • Hello there, @PrettyBubbles ! Happy Saturday 2U! I envy you and those who do not live in a Snow Country. Last night, we had a Freezing Rain and Snow Advisory. I knew it was coming so I took out some of my frozen Cinnamon though that I stored in the freezer and had a hot Cinnamon Rolls and fresh ground and brewed coffee…
  • Hello Everyone! From what it seems, this Competition was discontinued yesterday which was the Week 2 Day 4. It was fun while it lasted! Oh well.
  • Hello there, @PrettyBubbles ! Can you please resize your images so these are not so overwhelming and dizzying to look at when we scroll down? The images will be more attractive if they are not so ginormous or gigantic. Just a suggestion! Thanks! Hi there, @Diamond Lim ! Thanks for the Tag!
  • Hi there, @Spinnifix ! @glogan is right, the Sweet Winter Memories has been replaced with Magic Season. The Week 2 of the Sweet Winter Memories started last Monday and supposed to run for a week. This has nothing to do with updates or restarting the device. Hello there, @Pounawea ! Please check this out! Yesterday, I…
  • Hello there, @Pounawea ! Happy Hump Day 2U! I can't use this as a Screen Saver in fairness to other games that I play and upload on YouTube. I might do a sketch of this image when I am not so behind my YouTube Projects and when I do, I'll share it here. But for right now, I put this image in a frame until I can figure out…
  • Hello there, @BlueberryCupcake ! Happy Saturday to you! I've never seen any competition that has 4th and 5th place. I think it is kind of weird to have this in the Episode Race. There are 5 players being shown in the race. The best thing to do is try the best that you can to get to the Top 3. Sorry, I can't vote for this!…
  • You know what I miss my late husband especially during Holidays. He was always with me in the kitchen. He used to chop vegetables for me when I prepare our Holiday Feasts. He is the Erik in mercerik. Talking about smell of food, last year my next door neighbor to the north dropped by to give me an Early Christmas present.…
  • Hello there, @Elsa! Happy Tuesday 2U! Hi there, @Diamond Lim ! Thanks for the Tag as always! Christmas Season is my favorite time of the year. I was lucky to have come from 2 countries where Christmas is celebrated where the tradition is quite similar in a way. Yesterday, I started the Baking Sweet Goodies' Tradition for…
  • Hello there, @LadyRaffie ! A Magnificent Monday to you! Thanks for the Tag! Hi there, @HJOHNSON7285 ! Happy 1st Day of the Week to you! Welcome to the Community! Thanks for sharing your thoughts and for visiting the Community! I am not just a Candy Crush Player, I record every game that I play and upload them on YouTube.…
  • Hello there, @KingChewy ! Happy Hump Day 2U! I am taking a shot at your Challenge. I played and beat Level 2000 2 days ago at 12:54 AM CST and got a Congratulatory e-mail from King at 2:34 PM yesterday afternoon. Below is the ScreenShot of the e-mail. Below the e-mail is the video of my completed Level 2000. I could have…
  • Hello there, @Nandin! Welcome to the Community! Happy Thursday to you! Although Level 3715 was classified as Super Hard Level, it is doable. I didn't have Color Bomb Boosters when I entered the game. I had 1 Striped & Wrapped Combo and 2 Fish Boosters. The presence of Candy Cane Fences shielding chocolates on both sides…

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