💡 Let's help to create / vote amazing ideas and suggestions in any King's Games! (Check only) 💡
Hello there! King Community Players! 👋😄 Uh oh! We see there are less players created / voted amazing ideas and suggestions especially they don't know how to navigate to create / vote amazing ideas in Idea Sections and also amazing suggestions in Suggestion Box Threads mostly. 🙁 So let's help the players to create / vote…
I created 2 different accounts but they're linked together am tryin to change that and make each acc be on its own how can i be helped .......they're sharing same progress even if i change name or details on the other account then the other changes also so disgusting 😔😔
How to create poll
Edited by CM: 🤔 Oops! Please repost in English
* * Edited by CM: 🤔 Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand - Our House Rules
⭐️ The Community has a brand new look
A long-awaited new look for the Community forums has arrived 🥰 Take a look at some of the changes made below. Be mindful that when we change and implement these new features, the community will break and have unexpected issues. Thank you for your patience and trust that we'll soon be back to working as it should. Comment…
Hungry for some Pancakes?! 😋🤤🥞🍴
I’m assuming that you saw the title and clicked here because you’re hungry for something Sweet and delicious! 🤩 Well luckily for you, Yeti and I have prepared something scrumptious for you to enjoy!! 😋🥞 We have cooked up some pancakes featuring 4 of our Divine characters in the game: Nutcracker, Tiffi, Misty, and Bubblegum…
Help with Avatar
I have tried everything to get the Avatar I chose to show on my game profile picture. It still shows my Facebook profile picture. Any suggestions? Thanks!
Passed first time
What number did everyone get up to that passed first time
Level 9586
What happened to the freebie boosters for passing levels, the hot air Ballon, etc.? The last few levels were Extremely difficult to pass, without the boosters. I don't even have to option to select a booster, as a freebie, after you earn them you can pick from 3 prior to starting the next level.
need friends
help me. i need some friends