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Hi i am a player ranked 2894 I have forgotten my pass word for king but king does not recognise the email please let my have the email which has been associate with my account *Edited by CM:⛔ That’s too much personal information. For your own safety and protection, do not share your email address - Our House Rules
Edited by CM: 🤔 Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand - Check our House Rules
Is it possible that u can play with other players 🤔
OK, this probably isn't the right way to report this But I can't figure our how to make a post in the Supoort or Help Center areas (why is that so mysterious, anyway?) . Every post in the Community Discusions have a button to reply to and quote a message. It used to be called QUOTE, and now it's Called REPLY. Well, very…
* * Edited by CM: 😳 You seem to be lost and in the wrong thread! Please keep it in topic - Our House Rules
Many of us have been spending most of our time either working or being occupied with important things to do but we would always try make time for leisure activities. What would it be? Please complete the following sentence.😊 The days when I'm not busy studying or working, I will be spending my free time... All participants…
How to earn points but I don't understand where the dollar comes in do we spend a dollar first in order to get the points first.
Please add me
Hi I'm Kelsey n I love playing King games, they can be challenging but the games are still fun, I have no problems with the games at all, I just try n try to beat the hard levels til I pass them
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