Level 2926
I need help passing this level. I’ve been trying for several days and I’m out of boosters and can’t buy any. I need help getting past 2926. Please
Hellos and greetings
This discussion was created from comments split from: 🌐 Accessibility features: How are these new features helping you play?.
Why are ads no longer appearing to me, and can you come back again?
Why are ads no longer appearing to me, and can you come back again?
Play Store
Why sometimes the play store discounts won't apply to king in-app purchases?
Candycrush points
I can't use any points because the only game I play is candycrush which you don't offer coupons for anymore. I'm passed level 16000 and I'm loyal. My money goes for nothing now
I can't get on to app store to get more moves
Game freezes
why does my app freeze when the Cradle of Empire ad comes on?
Keine Hilfe mehr für andere Spieler möglich
Warum kann ich anderen Spielern nicht mehr helfen? warum kann ich nicht selber um Hilfe bitten? Diese Funktionen wurden gestrichen. Aber ich sehe das andere Spieler Posten das sie aktuell hlfe geleistet haben. Wie geht das ? sind in anderen Ländern andere Oberflächen des Spiels vorhanden ?
Hot right
Chance to win glod bars
Daily win rewards
Im in 16206th level I lost my daily win task lot of times im uninstalled then installed but there is no use kindly please do needful.. may I know whats the problem..