Bubblewitch2 HELP
Just signed on to play and the game opened up starting me back at level 1. Needed to Accept Terms of Service also? I quit playing on FB due to these problems, hoping I didn’t lose everything AGAIN...please help. Thanks!!
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🍭 Get Booster 💰
💓 Hello dear players 💓 This morning I had this thought about the boosters. As a free player, we can collect boosters. You get boosters every day. What if you run out of boosters? Either you buy new ones with your money or get boosters from the gold bars of the events and competitions. My aim is if you win gold bars through…
✨ Let's pray to God for the epidemic to end 😷 & for every patient to be cured. 🤒💕
✨Let us meet and pray to God for the end of the epidemic😷, and also we pray to God to heal every patient. 🤒✨💕 please, my friends, stay safe, and don't forget to put on masks, make spacing, and wash your hands with soap. 🌷💕
Love Month
June is love month
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People's feedback
What do you ppl feel about candy crush???
Who wants to visit Candy Land today?
Who can take a sunrise Sprinkle it in dew Cover it in chocolate and a miracle or two? Can any of you guess who that might be? The candyman can The candyman can cause he mixes it with love And makes the world taste good ...................... Rachel and Rancid took a trip to Candy Land yesterday and they sure had a lot of…
Is so nice here you like it