Old level
My old level was 8000+ please reset my level
The game at higher levels
Hi just want to say I've been playing this for years but I'm really disappointed that to even get any where now you have to pay , maybe it's just me but I feel to move on to new levels now it costs , for this reason I will now be leaving
طريقة الكسب الالكتروني
كيف السبيل الى الكسب لم يتضح لي شي
كيف أتمكن من هذي المميزات
كيف أحصل على أجمل ميزات هذى الالعاب
Posted an idea of getting 3 stars on all boards but can’t find it
As the title says I posted an idea to get 3 stars on all levels but I can’t find it. Was it removed if so why?
Please help
I have no chance to receive tag , mail ,rewards ore notification? Someone please help , my email is not getting notification and in here in community I have no tag ,no new post ???
How to get friends
Pass a level
Hi I'm stuck on a level for so long please I need help.. Facebook group said join us and we will help.. where is the help .
Plus de booster
Bonjour a tous depuis quelques jours je n'ai plus de pubs au début ni a la fin pour avoir des boosters ou des coups gratuits. Pouvez vous me dire pourquoi ? Du coup les niveaux sont super durs. Merci a tous
Where do people talk the most in the community? 🤔
Asking since i really wanna talk to more people here. I realised that it can be inactive at times, and i thought it could be because so far i was only present in the FHS threads. So i thought of asking the comunnity of how i can maximise my interactions with folks from here. Tell me king community, where to i talk to yall,…