Not connected
how do I reconnect my game….I am on Wi-Fi…any ideas what to do?
Compra não concluída
Comprei ouro no pix e até agora não apareceu pra mim não houve reembolso não aparece a compra .. Fazem 6 dias aproximadamente e até agora ninguém responde nem reembolsam nem se querem conclui minha compra.
Compra não concluída
Comprei ouro e não recebi, onde eu posso solicitar o reembolso?
Where are the ads for free Lives and boosters?
For the past couple of weeks I am not getting the option to watch ads for boosters and lives. And it’s taking me hundreds of tries to pass any levels! Extremely frustrating and is not fun at all any more. Did they change the game?
Where are the ads for boosters/lives?
For the past couple of weeks I am not getting the option to watch ads for boosters and lives. And it’s taking me hundreds of tries to pass any levels! Extremely frustrating and is not fun at all any more. Did they change the game?
Hi team mates Please can anyone help with level 1908 I've been trying for 3 days to accomplish the level and cannot get anywhere near the final. I am unable to purchase bundles as for some unknown reason it doesn't like my money??? any advice would be greatly appreciated I even took to you tube for help but they were all…
In Churchill Solitaire, transfer scoring data from iPad to Android Tablet
Hello, folks… Does anyone know how to transfer scoring data from Churchill Solitaire on an old iPad to Churchill Solitaire on a new Android tablet? Is this even possible? Seems like it should be. Thank you for your assistance! 😎 —zip
I lost all my Golden bar
How do I lose all my Golden bar 😡😡
Tengo muchas cucharas pero solo me deja abrir un glaseado como completo el tablero