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Olá estou no nivel 1089 do farm nao consigo passa
hello good morning friends, I wanted to consult on how you can spend the gold bars of the game candu crush soda saga since my pig is full and I do not know how they can be used .... thanks to all
Hello guys, i can't contact the store, i have a lot of gold (180), if i finish a game, sometimes i need one more move, i try to use some gold, he never possible to contact the store
Hello, hallo and bonjour! I am the new GAME EXPERT to the Shuffle Cats Community! Well,then absolutely means that I am always out there to help ya! But always remember keep this place sweet and good for Jazzy Cats like you! For that follow this-: 1)Keep all the discussions and comments in English(Outside the International…
Hi hi
I am really looking forward to playing games just need gain more points any hints and tips greatfully received
which game is the best to play for a newbeeee
I never receive any of the rewards i earn in Honey Harvest, in the last 2 days i have earned 3 x 5 plus moves and never got them, but since it was launched i have never received the rewards,apart from when i was the overall winner. Is anyone else having this problem,have sent email twice now asking for help,but all they do…
chicos, no puedo abrir el mensaje que da boosters cuando empiezo el juego. no me deja abrir nunca ninguno y no puedo conseguir premios(regadera, cestas...) es en el farm heroes. hasta hace un mes no tenia problema para verlos. ahora cuando pincho para abrirlos me pone q en ese momento no se puede abrir. que hago<?gracias
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