Necesito cancelar mi cuenta no está sincronizado con mi correo electrónico y no tengo manera
Guys, How do I get Gold in Candy Crush?
How are you today?
If you are not happy, just play, smile and be happy.
Nem enged tovább. Napok óta egy pályán játszom meguntam. Segitségem nincs. Lehet abba hagyom. Kinek jó ez. Nekem nem, hogy egyhelyben toporgok.
Gold Bar
I need to get one free Gold Bar somewhere, is there somewhere I can get that??
How to change profile picture / avatar to a custom image
I was one of the King Care users back then, where I set my profile picture to a solid black circle. I noticed that I cannot change my profile picture here, as I am asked to select one of the preset profile pictures. Meanwhile I saw a couple of users with custom profile pictures. Is this because I am not of a high enough…
Hello.. I have been playing this game for a long time and have progressed through many levels. However, I do not know many of its rules and competitions. Can anyone help me?
Level 5 reached
Hello @QueenB I reached level 5. I sent a PM to Fluffy Dinosaur and my PM’s are not sending. How do I change my avatar to a personal avatar?
*Edited by CM: Please keep it in topic!
*Edited by CM: Please keep it in topic - Our House Rules
Candy Crush Saga Id Selling
Candy Crush Saga Id Selling Level 9300 How many it Worth