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Not content with making the levels impossible without extra moves now candy crush makes you wait 2 days until you can win extra moves meaning to progress you have to buy boosters another example of this company trying to get money from players let's remember how greedy this company is being knowing that because of lockdown…
(Edit by CM: Unsupported Language)
For the people who don't like these designs, Extensions would be good.For example:You dont like that a objective has been removed (like bottle caps in candy crush soda) an extension would let the player have that removed objective.Maybe they replaced an OST?The extension replaces the new OST with the old OST.Would…
Hello everyone. I'd like to have a "FUN AREA' added to the Players' Corner where we can post games, quizzes, short stories, etc? Many of the game communities already have something like that, but it would be nice to have something like that here. Anyone one else like to see this happen? Tagging @Lola_Pop @Elsa @lulu13…
Pliz help
Hello everyone! This discussion asks you to share your favourite quotes. Let the quotes take over the kingdoms of hatred, harshness and evil. I will start with a quote and leave to you to continue-: If you want to see a rainbow you should first see a rain
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