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Level too hard?

CommunityTeam Posts: 2,029 System
edited June 2021 in General Issues
Some levels can be challenging but with some good luck, patience and a clear strategy all levels can be beaten!

Every level is always thoroughly tested to make sure that it offers the right balance of challenge and fun and some levels are deliberately a lot more challenging than others - this is part of the game design and the fun!

You are now in our Community where you will find loads of players who can give you tips and tricks on how to pass some of those trickier levels. Simply go to our home page here select the game that you are playing and see if another player has already asked about the level that you are stuck on. If you cannot find a thread on this level, go ahead and create a new discussion, let the community know the level so that they can help you! 

We also keep a very close eye on player feedback relating to the levels, and at times decide to make these super tough levels less difficult in the future. 

Alternatively, if you get stuck on a level, you can search for the game name and the level on Youtube to see how other players completed the level. If the level in the Youtube video is different please go back to the search page and then select "Filters" above and choose "Upload date", to see the most recent videos to get the current version (if available). 

You will also find out great team of Game Moderators who all love to play our games and share their own gameplay tips! 
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