Community - Give us your feedback!
G'Day @Community_Team
There are a few discussions on the same topic now, some have had to be brought back on topic, other's have been started by newbies who didn't realise there question related to the topic and I started one because I was frustrated with navigating and couldn't find the previous one I was on etc!
eg: "Home Improvement..", "Check mark...", "Let's make our community a better place" etc (I'm sure there are more lol)
Those of us who are interested in spring cleaning "Front of House" could probably use a little help with merging these topics so it's all neatly in one place and ideas don't get repeated please...If possible?
Please consider removing these annoying tagging posts or hide them from being displayed on all posts . Could all the comments get sorted with the most recent one displayed first.
I realize the need to tag game players to make them aware of certain posts but its frustrating when your sifting through all the tags with the large graphic displays, community titles, and the multiple tag lists in order to get to the actual post.
King keeps asking me to complete a survey each time I log in to determine how easy it is to find things on this site. It is a very frustrating process. Once you get get through the tags then you have to search through the comments to find the latest one.
This one is a perfect example page 1 of comments start in 2019, page 14 has comments from January 2021 but nothing since then. Perhaps no one has commented since then but I would suggest that Page 1 be displayed in descending order so its easier to find the most recent relevant comments. or perhaps remove the older ones.
Hello there @Colleen-12!
Thank you for your suggestions on the improvements to be made. I'm going to reply to your comment by breaking them down in the following:-
- "Please consider removing these annoying tagging posts or hide them from being displayed on all posts"----------> This has been done by our official tagger Ms Diamond Lim. All players being tagged are being hidden under the "Spoiler" function, so it will shorten the content in the message. Generally, a member should seek permission from our Ms Diamond Lim before they use her tagging list. However, this has not been officially stated anywhere in the Forum.
- "Perhaps no one has commented since then but I would suggest that Page 1 be displayed in descending order so its easier to find the most recent relevant comments. or perhaps remove the older ones."----------------> It is a good idea to display the comments in descending order so player don't have to go to page 1 to check out what the discussion is about. Let's see whether this can be implemented.
Again, thanks for your feedback and have a great day ahead. I have a few suggestions too. Guess I'll have to summarise them before posting it here.