-Gilbert K. Chesterton
This week millions of people will stop and think for some hours about what they're thankful for. Others have taken their time to reflect some weeks ago- for example, during Yom Kippur and Sukkot, in the Jewish culture, or Sankt Martin and the Erntedankefest in Germany.
In fact, there is no particular time for thanking for everything we have; in Malaysia, people celebrate the Kadazan Festival in May to thank Bambaazon for facilitating life on Earth; the Indian Harvest festival Pongal, held in mid-January, pays homage to the ruler of clouds, Lord Indra, to the Sun God, and to the sacred animal, the cow, for everything they offer; and the Korean Chuseok Harvest Festival, which is all about respect and commemoration of elders and ancestral roots, takes place in late summer.

It seems that thanking - may it be a God or the Universe or your family or a good friend- is rooted in the human soul; it makes you feel better! Just stop and think of the good things you have in your life- and also of the bad things you've gone through and which have made you who you are today.
So, may I ask? What are you thankful for this year?